Julie Miles talks to Newcastle Evening Chronicle

Vocal coach Julie Miles hits just the right note in lockdown
Julie’s got talent – Northumberland voice coach who works with singers for TV talent shows like Britain’s Got Talent and The Voice finds business is booming as singers take to virtual performances.
For somebody who is used to being constantly on the go, helping singers to polish their performances on top TV talent shows, you might imagine Julie Miles would be finding lockdown a huge struggle. But the vocal coach and mentor – known for her work with the likes of America’s Got Talent and The Voice – is as busy as ever.
Her company Vocal Ovation, which celebrated its 10-year anniversary during the pandemic year, already held online training sessions and – while the performance industry is continuing to face its challenges – Covid restrictions for Julie have just meant switching to more virtual work and it’s been a pretty much seamless transition.
Julie, from near Stocksfield in Northumberland, said: “It was a bit of a concern at first because the majority of my work is face-to-face.
“However, I’ve done online for years for people who can’t travel to me – and then very, very quickly the majority of my face-to-face contacts changed to online.
“I’ve managed to see more people. I was lucky enough to have a waiting list and I’ve managed to get through that.”
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